Setup Browser Extension

Learn how to setup your browser extension

What is the Browser Extension

The Bowser extension is a plugin that you can install in your browser. This lets you access your AI-available from any web page. Here are a few things to Note

  • Any interaction you do on the browser extension is logged in your name so you can always access it from the website.

  • You can ask a question and copy the AI response.

  • You can also save any edits you made (For users with train permissions).

How to install the browser extension

Go to the Settings Screen, By clicking on your name at the bottom of the page

Click on Browser Extension from the side bar

Click on "Copy Key", this copies the Key to your clipboard

Click on the Visit Page and Install Chrome Extension Link, you will be taken to the Chrome Store to install the Browser Extension.

Click on the Add to Chrom button and install the plugin.

You will see a confirmation that shows plugin is added to your browser

One Last step, lets pin it to the browser bar, so you can always find it.

Click on the Pin Icon next to the Twig AI plugin in the plugins, thats it. Twig is now available in the browser always.

Last updated