How to Login

Common scenarios in Login

Vist the Login Screen

  • You will be presented with a few different options to log in.

    • Login with Google

    • Login with Enterprize Single Sign-On

    • Login with UserID and Password

Login with Google:

  • Click on the "Continue with Google Button"

  • You will see a page popup that looks like this

  • Click the account to which you received an invite.

Login with Enterprize Single Sign On:

  • If your organization have been setup for Enterprize Single Singon you may use this feature

  • First, enter your email. Twig will detect that your domain has been setup for single sing on and take you to your company page for login

  • Here is an example of a company login screen.

Login With UserID and Password

  • If your account is not configured for Enterprize SSO then you will be asked to provide a passwork. Like in this screen

  • Once you are logged in you will see the home screen, if you email is configured for multiple organizations you may need to select your organization to visit the respective home screen

Select Organization [Applicable if your email is configured for multiple orgs]

  • [Optional] Select an Org: If you are part of multiple organizations you will be presented a screen to select an org. Click on launch

Success 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • You will land on the Home Page: Success

Last updated